Quality Team Members means quality care

Our clients love us. 75% of our clients are repeat customers. We see each visit as a chance to make a difference

We do 100% background checks and personal interviews. We know you are trusting us with your home and family.

Join The Team

All applicants must go through a phone interview first


Our Team

Click to read more about our Team Members

How we Select and Train our Team Members

Every applicant undergoes an interview process and if they are felt to be a good match for Wendy's Team, they are invited to attend an in-person training.

Not all applicants who interview and attend training end up working for Wendy's Team. Selected Team Members undergo background checks that confirm identity and review court records and driving history.

If you like helping people and would like flexible work hours, find out how to become a member of our team. become a member of our team.


We serve Denver & Boulder

Customer Support:

(719) 425-9572

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